Inside The Stargazer's Palace
Out now with Oneworld… a journey through scientific culture in the sixteenth century, from Nuremberg to Prague, via Louvain, London and Hven.

The Map of Knowledge
In The Map of Knowledge, Violet Moller traces the journey taken by the ideas of three of the greatest scientists of antiquity – Euclid, Galen and Ptolemy – through seven cities and over a thousand years. Vividly told and with a dazzling cast of characters, The Map of Knowledge is an evocative, nuanced and vibrant account of our common intellectual heritage.

I am an independent historian with a particular interest in the history of ideas and how knowledge has been transmitted through the centuries. My Ph.D was on libraries in Early Modern Britain, focusing on the organisation and collection of intellectual knowledge, which led me to look at the history of science in a wider context and resulted in The Map of Knowledge, published in February 2019. In 2016 it was awarded the RSL Jerwood Prize for Non-fiction (for a work in progress).
I started my career as a journalist, contributing articles and reviews to The Face, Arena, The Scotsman, Metro Scotland and The List amongst others, covering theatre, art, books, going out, music and culture in general. I lived in Denmark for six years where I worked as an editor and translator, in addition to various branding/research projects. On moving back to the UK, I joined the Bodleian Library as a volunteer – this resulted in being commissioned to write three small books for the Publishing Department. I graduated with MA in Classics and Medieval History and Ph.D in History from the University of Edinburgh. I live in North Buckinghamshire with my husband and our three children.
Travels Through Time Podcast
I am a presenter of the Travels Through Time history podcast which asks a wide range of brilliant historians which year they would chose if they could travel back in time. Then they take us to three special scenes or events in that year, before choosing one item to bring back to the present with them.
- Timeline
- The Port Royal Earthquake: John Darlington (1692)
- The Wife of Bath: Marion Turner (1397)
- The Matter of Everything: Dr Suzie Sheehy (1932)
- Albert and the Whale: Philip Hoare (1520)
- The Death of Christopher Marlowe: Stephen Greenblatt (1593)
- The Battle of Thermopylae: Professor Paul Cartledge (480 BCE)

8th JUNE Shenfest
14th JUNE Buckingham Literary Festival
19th JUNE Royal Observatory, Greenwich
30th JUNE Chalke Valley History Festival
9th JULY Natural History Museum, Oxford
SEPTEMBER Wigtown Book Festival, Dumfries and Galloway
SAT 17th JUNE Live Travels Through Time podcast with Flora Fraser at the Buckingham Literary Festival
FRI 30th JUNE Live Travels Through Time podcast with Katherine Pangonis at Chalke Valley History Festival
26 MAY Hay Festival, Hay-on-Wye
15 JUNE Buckingham Literary Festival
27 JUNE Chalke Valley History Festival, Broadchalke
21 SEPT Hay Festival Segovia
9 OCT Guildford Book Festival
12 OCT Classics Forum Heffers Bookshop, Cambridge
4 NOV European Space Agency, Paris
14 NOV Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival
17 NOV Travels Through Time podcast
5-8 MAR 2020 Aldeburgh Literary Festival
19 MAY 2020 The Bath Festival
20 JAN 2021 7pm, Stoney Words, The Crown, Market Square, Stoney Stratford